25/04 Florian Mueller : Exploring spatial transcriptional regulation by quantitative imaging

Integrated quantitative imaging analysis approaches to study sub-cellular RNA localization and its link with translation. Spatial transcriptomics data analysis will be covered too

25/04 Florian Mueller :  Exploring spatial transcriptional regulation by quantitative imaging
Speaker: Florian Mueller, Institut Pasteur, Paris
Title: Exploring spatial transcriptional regulation by quantitative imaging
Venue & Location: Centre de Génomique Fonctionnelle (salle des conférences, 1ème étage)
Date: TUESDAY 24 APRIL 2023, 15h

Abstract: Regulation of gene expression is essential for a cell to fulfill its basic functions, and its dysregulation can lead to serious failures at the cellular, tissue and organism level. Single molecule FISH (smFISH) allows to visualize individual, endogenous RNA molecules in an intact cellular environment, and is hence ideally suited to study transcriptional regulation. I will describe our efforts to develop integrated quantitative imaging approaches to study preferential sub-cellular RNA localization and its link with translation. I will conclude with an outlook on our ongoing work to establish an open-source approach for spatial transcriptomics spanning from instrumentation, wet lab experiments to adequate analysis tools.

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